Welcome to the website for
Buckland Monachorum Drama Group.

Our production of “Wee Willie Winkie” by Paul Reakes, (set for March 2024) had to be postponed due to circumstances beyond our control. We have re-scheduled this for early 2025. Performance dates are (provisionally) Wednesday 5th, Thursday 6th, Friday 7th & Saturday 8th February 2025. 

See the ‘Wee Willie Winkie‘ page for further details

The Drama Group are always looking for budding Actors interested in taking part in future productions. We especially need male teenagers and twenty-something males for future productions, but all age-groups are welcome to join us. Back-stage help with scenery, costume making, sound, lighting, front-of-house etc is always needed too.

Please email: info@bucklandmonachorumdramagroup.co.uk or contact Sheila Philips (01752 775195) for more information.

Our last production was “Tipping Point” by James Cuthill & Vince James:

Performance dates were: 26th, 27th & 28th January 2023.

Website last updated: May 2024